West Ridge Care Center Newsletter

Our newsletter feature pictures and updates from our activities at West Ridge Care Center. Click on a newsletter link below to download a PDF and see smiling faces, read a message from the Administrator and much more!

Newsletter Archives’

January 2019

As I say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019, it gives me the opportunity to look back at all the blessings I have received over the past year. I would like to thank all of the elders, families and staff members that have touched our lived during the past year… Read More

July 2018

Congratulations to all of the staff at West Ridge Care Center! We were recognized as a facility that met the criteria of the American Health Care Association’s Quality Initiative Recognition Program. This program is designed to recognize care centers that demonstrate the attainment of the following AHCA Quality Initiative goals…Read More

June 2018

As many of you may already know, Becky Pickart, our Human Resources Director, has decided to move out of state. Although we are very sad that she will be leaving West Ridge Care Center after 25 years of service, we wish her the best in her future. Becky has been…Read More

May 2018

Spring is finally in the air. We are all excited that Spring is finally here and soon we will be able to plant flowers and spruce up the grounds. With the changes in the season, we are quickly coming to the time of year that our weather varies from nice to severe in a…Read More

April 2018

As we welcome April it is a good feeling to know Spring is here. We have been blessed to have a milder winter than most– less snow and temperatures warmer than most years. With the changing of the seasons it is a great time to look over your loved one’s clothing to make sure that those spring and summer clothes are marked and in good condition…Read More

March 2018

As we have been visiting with the staff at West Ridge, it has come to our attention that we need to update our hiring process. Every role and responsibility can vary a great deal from one nursing home to another. It is essential that we take the time for every new employee to be oriented to West Ridge’s mission, vision, policies, practices, procedures, and the importance of our Eden Culture…Read More

February 2018

With all of the changes in healthcare, the stress of rules and regulations, the over abundance of charting, it’s sometimes difficult to remember why we are health care providers. I am thankful for the opportunity we have to make a difference in not only the lives of the Elders, but also the families and our co-workers…Read More

January 2018

As we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018, it gives me the opportunity to look back at all the blessings we have received over the past year. I would like to thank all of the elders, families, and staff members that have touched our lives…Read More

December 2017

The Holiday Season is upon us once again. It is a time to give thanks for all of our blessings we have received over the past year. I remember fondly all those who have come and gone. I look forward to the challenges and rewards of the coming year…Read More

November 2017

With the change of season it will soon be the cold and flu season. I would like to remind everyone that flu shots are the best defense against contracting the flu. It is important for all health care workers and visitors to protect themselves in order to protect those we have the opportunity to serve…Read More

October 2017

Seventeen years ago this month, West Ridge Care Center became a Registered Eden Alternative home. Over the past years, the care partners at West Ridge has made a great commitment to the Eden lifestyle change…Read More

September 2017

The administrative staff will be attending the annual Iowa Health Care Convention and Trade Shoe in Des Moines this month. This event always gives us an opportunity to join other long-term services and support professionals in focusing on excellence in quality care and treatment…Read More

August 2017

The summer months are flying by! Before we know it school will be back in session. Remember to stop and see those you love…Read More

July 2017

Happy summer to everyone in the West Ridge family. I am sure that everyone is busy planning summer activities. It is a great time to visit the ones we love. I would like to take this time to thank Katy Smith for all of her service at West Ridge as our Community Relations Coordinator…Read More

June 2017

The Department of Inspections and Appeals was at West Ridge for the annual survey May 8 through May 11. I am proud to report that there were no deficiencies. The surveyors were extremely complimentary of our home, our commitment, and the caring attitude of the whole West Ridge team…Read More

May 2017

I would like to wish everyone a happy spring! We are always excited to be able to plant flowers and spruce up the grounds. Mother’s Day is May 14th and it always kicks off National Nursing Home Week…Read More

April 2017

All of us at West Ridge are looking forward to Spring. With the changes in weather, we look forward to the opportunity for spring cleaning not only outside but inside as well. One of the upgrades we will be providing is new dressers and night stands in each of the elders’ rooms…Read More

March 2017

I am always excited when we get to March. Spring will soon be here and we will be able to spend more time outside. We are quickly approaching April 1, the date that West Ridge becomes a smoke-free campus…Read More

February 2017

West Ridge Care Center is committed to the health and wellness of all. Therefore at the request of many and with much thought we will become a “smoke-free” campus as of April 1, 2017. Our goal is to make this a positive experience that will promote our home’s health and well-being…Read More

January 2017

As we begin a new year it is a great opportunity to look back at all of the blessings and challenges of 2016. I would like to thank all of the elders, families and staff for taking the time and commitment to make West Ridge the warm place that it is, to the volunteers who help bring joy and peace to those we are so fortunate to serve…Read More

December 2016

The holiday season always brings the family blessings of my life into sharp focus. The time I am able to spend with my family and friends is that much more precious, so when I think of Christmas time, my mind always turns to the blessings in my life…Read More

November 2016

The change of seasons has brought the cold and flu season. I would like to remind everyone that flu shots are the best defense against contracting the flu. It is important for all health care workers and visitors to protect themselves in order to protect those we serve…Read More

October 2016

As we welcome Fall and the changing of the seasons, it is always a good opportunity to take a look at our programs and ourselves as caregivers…Read More

September 2016

Several of the Department Heads and I will be attending the annual Iowa Health Care Association’s Fall Convention in Des Moines this month. This three day event will focus on preparing providers to meet the challenges of state and federal regulations, quality improvement and managed care, as well as consumer needs and expectations…Read More

June 2016

The Department of Inspections and Appeals was here for their annual survey May 1st-4th and the State Life Safety Code inspection was conducted on May 11th, 2016. Both events went well. They were extremely complimentary over all of the caring attitudes of our staff….Read More

April 2016

As we welcome April it is a good feeling to know that Spring will soon be here. We have been blessed to have a milder winter than most with less snow and temperatures warmer than most years…Read More

March 2016

With the changing of the seasons, it’s always a good opportunity to take a hard look at our programs and ourselves as caregivers. We must always remember to be thankful for the opportunity that we have to make a difference…Read More

February 2016

As I expressed in last month’s newsletter, one of my goals this year is to infuse passion.  It’s not that we have to go to work at West Ridge, it’s that we get to…Read More

January 2016

As we welcome 2016, it gives me the opportunity to look back at all the blessings I have received over the past year…Read More

November 2015

During this busy time the message I would like to send to everyone associated with West Ridge, especially the direct care staff, is this: You are the key to the success of West Ridge, the key to the elders’ day to day happiness and quality of care that make the difference…Read More

October 2015

As we enter the Autumn months of the year, the colors always remind me that change is upon us…Read More

September 2015

Most of the Department Heads will be attending the annual Iowa Health Care Association conference in Des Moines this month…Read More

August 2015

As many of you may know already, Brenda Klepper, Social Worker, has decided to take a position at Mercy Hospital.  Although we are very sad she will be leaving West Ridge, we are happy for her and wish her much success…Read More

July 2015

As we welcome summer it is always refreshing to see so many families, children and pets visiting. I can’t stress how important family involvement is in order to give West Ridge the homey feeling we strive for…Read More

May 2015

We are all happy for Katie Ross and her family on the arrival of another baby girl. Mother and Baby Gia are both doing well…Read More

April 2015

All of us at West Ridge are looking forward to spring coming.  March was a tough month for many of us as we battled the cold and flu bugs again…Read More

March 2015

On February 12, 2015, the government announced that it was making changes in the way it compiles and evaluates the data used to determine their star rating system…Read More

February 2015

As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Chuck Bailey will be retiring from his position of Environmental Services Supervisor after 23 years…Read More

January 2015

As we move into a new year it gives me the opportunity to look back at all the blessings I have received over the past year. I would like to thank all of the elders…Read More

December 2014

The holiday season is upon us once again. During this busy time I like to take time to think about all of the blessings I have received over the past year…Read More

November 2014

I am excited to announce that Brenda Klepper will be joining the West Ridge family as our new Social WorkerRead More

October 2014

Fourteen years ago this month, West Ridge Care Center became a registered Eden Alternative Home…Read More

September 2014

The Department Heads and I will be attending the annual Iowa Health Care Conference in Des Moines this month…Read More

August 2014

It’s hard to believe how fast the summer is going. Soon the kids will be back in school…Read More

July 2014

Congratulations to all of the staff at West Ridge Care Center for being recognized as a 2014 recipient of the Bronze Award…Read More

June 2014

Happy Summer to everyone in the West Ridge family.  It’s hard to believe that school is out and we are all busy planning summer activities…Read More

May 2014

The Department of Inspections and Appeals was here for their annual survey April 7-10 and the State Life Safety Code inspection was conducted on April 15th.  Both events went extremely well…Read More

April 2014

We are all excited that Spring is well on its way.  With the changes in weather we look forward to the opportunity to get outside more often…Read More

March 2014

As we welcome March, I think we can all agree that Spring cannot get here fast enough!  With this changing of seasons, it’s always a good opportunity to take a look at our programs…Read More

February 2014

I am excited to announce an upgrade in our Therapy program.  We are in the process of implementing new state-of-the-art Therapeutic equipment and education programs that will help us provide…Read More

January 2014

As we say goodbye to 2013 and welcome 2014, it gives me the opportunity to look back at all the blessings I have received over the past year…Read More

December 2013

We are all excited for the upcoming Christmas season and all of the celebrations that will be taking place.  The season is all about families and friends.  We look forward to your visits…Read More

November 2013

As we enter the Autumn months of the year, the colors remind us that change is coming…Read More

October 2013

As many of you may already know, Sarah Case, our Social Worker, has decided to move out of state.  Although we are very sad she will be leaving West Ridge after nearly three years, we are happy for her and wish her much success…Read More

September 2013

It’s hard to believe with as hot as it has been that summer will soon be over and that the kids are back in school.  It won’t be long before the different groups from the schools start stopping by to see us.  We always look forward to their visits…Read More

August 2013

It’s hard to believe how fast the summer is going.  I encourage all of the elders and their families to go outside and enjoy our new sitting area by the front entrance or in our Courtyard…Read More

July 2013

We are excited to see so many of the elders and their families enjoy our new enlarged sitting area by the front entry way.  We will continue to work on improving this area and if anyone has any ideas…Read More

June 2013

Happy Summer to everyone in the West Ridge family. It’s hard to believe that school is out and we are busy planning our summer activities…Read More

May 2013

It seems to be taking a long time for Spring to get here.  But, soon we will all be busy planting flowers and sprucing up the grounds…Read More

April 2013

I feel very blessed to have such professional caring staff, families and volunteers here at West Ridge…Read More

March 2013

As we welcome March, I think we can all agree that Spring cannot get here fast enough…Read More

February 2013

All of us at West Ridge are excited about the arrival of Sami, our nine week old Schnau-zer puppy…Read More

January 2013

As we begin a new year, it is a great opportunity to look back on all of the blessings we have received over the past year. I would like to thank all…Read More

December 2012

The holiday season is upon us once again. I always like to take time to think about all the blessings I have received over the past year…Read More

April 2012

All of us at West Ridge have been excited that Spring came early this year…Read More

August 2011 Read More