If you did not notice our banner out front, I am very happy to report we have restored our overall quality rating to 5 Stars! The 5 Star Ratings of nursing homes is how the Centers for Medicare rate nursing homes in the country. The Quality Measure (QM) rating is posted on the Nursing Home Compare website monthly. The score is based on MDS 3.0 quality measures using data from the second, third, and fourth quarters of 2013. The quality measures are based on our patient population and the type of patients we admit.
We scored 4 stars for our near perfect health inspection, 3 stars for quality measures based on the MDS assessment, 5 stars for overall staffing, and 5 stars for RN staffing.
This is an awesome achievement for West Ridge and our staff. We strive for quality every day and it is an ongoing process. Our quality assurance team is committed to continued quality improvement and we’ve been working on action plans /goals to continue to the next step in our journey. Please feel free to stop in and discuss any concerns or ideas for quality assurance team.
– Katie