What We Offer at West Ridge Care Center
West Ridge provides 24-hour nursing care services through registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nursing assistants. Nursing care for all levels of need can be met by West Ridge.
- Interdisciplinary Wound Care Team – providing weekly assessments to assure optimum skin integrity
- Full-time rehabilitation aide on each floor
- Training site for professional nursing students from local colleges
- Training for the Certified Nursing Assistants enrolled in the High School Health Careers program through Kirkwood Community College
- Director of Nursing, MDS Coordinator and entire nursing department work cooperatively to enable each elder to maintain highest level of functioning for as long as possible
With an emphasis on rehabilitation, the comprehensive therapy team provides innovative treatment approaches to assist our elders in returning to their normal and viable lifestyle.
- Occupational Therapists and Certified Occupational Therapy assistants
- Physical Therapists and Certified Physical Therapy assistants
- Speech language pathologists
- Highest-standard quality of care in the most cost-effective and value-added manner
- Individualized treatment programs designed to serve geriatric patients in a wide variety of clinical categories
- Continued exercise programming by Rehab Aide after discharged from therapy program
Click on the Rehabilitative Services title for more information about the therapy programs available at West Ridge Care Center
Social Services
West Ridge employs a full time Social Services position who:
- Works closely with families from initial inquiry
- Serves as Elders advocate throughout their stay
- Works with hospital discharge planners from local and outlying hospitals as well as referring long-term care facilities
- Works with Elder and family upon completion of therapy program, to return home or to a lesser level of care including home health services
- Counseling issues on an as-needed basis and is part of the Care Plan Team
At West Ridge, we make a special effort to prepare foods that are not only nutritious, but delicious.
- Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter menus served on a four-week cycle
- Breakfast made-to-order each with a flexible dining time each morning
- Fruit and a variety of breads or rolls with hot or cold cereal offered at each breakfast
- Additional choices for entrees include: pancakes, waffles, made-to-order eggs, bacon and sausage
- Choice of entrée, potato and vegetable are offered at lunch and dinner
- Personal preferences are honored whenever possible
A wide variety of activities aimed at reaching the mind, body and soul are available to our elders. Activities include but are not limited to
- Music, exercises, games, and religious programs
- Outings within the community and state such as area stores, restaurants, museums, theatres, schools and parks
- Spontaneous activities and interactions to compliment planned activities
- Live-in animals, plants and greenery for relaxing, onsite stimulation
Environmental Services
All Housekeeping and Laundry services are included in any stay at West Ridge. Rooms are cleaned daily and laundry is usually returned the following day.
Because of our environment, West Ridge works closely with the local Hospice programs for placement of hospice residents.