Our Staff

Richard Curphey
Richard CurpheyAdministrator
Graduate of Wartburg College with degrees in Management of Leisure Services and Healthcare Administration with a minor in Business. Board member of the Iowa Health Care Association and has been the Southeast District President for 10 years. Serves on the Educational Committee of that organization.
Katie Ross-Candia
Katie Ross-CandiaBC-RN, BSN, DON, COTA, WCC - Director of Nursing
Graduate of Kirkwood Community College with Associates Degree in both Occupational Therapy and Nursing. Bachelors Degree in Nursing from Mt. Mercy University. Board certified gerontology nurse and wound care certified.
Clete Younger, M.D.
Clete Younger, M.D.Medical Director
Amiee Luedeman
Amiee LuedemanA.R.N.P
Katy Smith
Katy SmithCommunity Outreach Specialist
Charlene Vasey-Larson
Charlene Vasey-LarsonRD, LD, Dietician
Amanda Rose
Amanda RoseDoctor of Physical Therapy, Director of Rehab Services
Mike Dreismeier
Mike DreismeierMaintenance Supervisor
Chef Ty
Chef TyDietary Supervisor
Carol Ruggles
Carol RugglesEden Mentor
Crystal Anthes
Crystal AnthesHuman Resources
Courtney Foster
Courtney FosterUnit Secretary
Teresa Geppert, OMT
Teresa Geppert, OMTAdmissions Contract Coordinator
Nell Wagner
Nell WagnerSocial Worker
Katie Tenney
Katie TenneyEnrichment Activity Coordinator
Travis Senters
Travis SentersEnvironmental Services
Jill Hines
Jill HinesMDS Coordinator
TuckerToy Poodle